Apr 1, 2022
Welcome to episode nineteen of the Lessons from the Cockpit Show!
Flying in the F-15 is an ultimate thrill. I know because I've done it three times. But deployed duties where airmen, soldiers, sailors, and Marines solve the most complex puzzles having theater-wide effects are often the most rewarding.
Lt Col Joe Katuzienski (retired) is one of those US Air Force airmen who impacted air warfare at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. Flying F-15 Eagles over Iraq in the first Gulf War, he deployed twice after the 2003 Shock and Awe campaign to Baghdad and the Combined Air and Space Operations Center in Qatar. Tazz's expertise impacted the way airpower affected soldiers and Special Forces on the ground. In this episode, Tazz explores how relationships, using all intelligence and weapons available and empowering your people saved lives and resources during the surges in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tazz now flies for one of the major US airlines.
F-15C Eagle prints are available at Wall Pilot, custom aviation art for the walls of your home, office, or hanger.
Thanks to Wall Pilot for sponsoring this episode of Lessons from the Cockpit.
Prints of the Eagle jets from Langley and Kadena Tazz flew are available at Wall Pilot in four, six, and eight-foot lengths.
Read more about Operation Marne Torch on Wikipedia.
Information on the Battle of Musa Qala.
Please share this and previous episodes of Lessons from the Cockpit at markhasara.com
Thanks for listening and have a great weekend!