Jun 2, 2022
Welcome to this episode of Lessons from the Cockpit show!
There is one Air Force airplane that doesn't get a lot of love but every soldier or Marine wants overhead in a troops-in-contact situation: the Republic A-10 Warthog! The Hog is a devastating aircraft in combat and is known for its big GAU-8 30mm gun... Bbrrrrtttt! Buck Wyndham joins us with stories of his missions and exploits during Desert Storm, the first combat employment of the A-10. Buck had an opportunity to see firsthand what concentrated airpower can do to the enemy as he walked around the famous Kuwait City to Baghdad highway, better known as the Highway of Death.
The A-10 has looks and sounds all of its own. Here is the sound of its gun, and what it looks like from inside the cockpit over Afghanistan. The effects of this aircraft are incredible.
This episode of Lessons from the Cockpit is sponsored by Buck's book Hogs in the Sand found in all four formats on Amazon.
Prints of military aircraft which peel off and can be stuck to any flat surface are available at Wall Pilot, custom aviation art for the walls of your home, office, or hanger.
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